Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Contest and Giveaway--Author Laura Kaye.

I am swimming in contests and giveaways today. A ton of websites and blogs are offering great contests and book giveaways. And I HAVE to pass them on to you, dear followers. That's just the kind of gal I am.
NOT that I should be writing my own manuscript, mind you. LOL. But I find myself slightly distracted this morning.
Head over to the Quillery and leave a comment for a chance to win one of two fabulous prizes:

  • 1st prize: An e-book copy of North of Need. ( International) 
  • 2nd prize: A set of North of Need trading cards. (US and Canadian Mailing Only).
All you have to do is leave a comment--Which cover do you like better of Laura's new series, Hearts of the Anemoi.

Laura Kaye has been reivewed over here twice-check the archives for my review of her eBook novellas, Hearts In Darkness, and Just Gotta Say.

And since I am such a cover hoor---Here are the covers for Laura's books.
Which one makes your girly bits sing?


  1. Laura,
    No problem. I LURVE promoting great (and nice) authors :)
    I hope it is a great success.


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