Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Tuesdays have never been so sexy!

Sexy Snippets is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Between the Wines for the 18+ crowd. To join in -- just grab the button, post a sexy paragraph or two from your current read and share the author & title so other participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like. Then add your post to the linky on RBTW's blog post of SST so everyone can follow along. Have a sexy good time!

If you read my review from Monday--you know that I just finished Lothaire, by Kresley Cole.
Yes--this book was filled with ALL sorts of lemony goodness. In my opinion, it is Kresley's hottest IAD to date! 

Title: Lothaire
Author: Kresley Cole
"When I told you I was keeping you forever, I meant it."
She swallowed at the intensity in his words, the flash of fang. Clearly a discussion for another day..."I have an idea. Let's just take off our clothes and fool around on the settee. If I trip and fall and land smack-dab on your cock, then it won't be your fault.
"Lose your virgnity while on top?"
"I've already kind of lost my virginity."
Had his face flushed? "It would be easier for you if I lay upon your body--once you are turned."
She'd never seen him so torn. Just when she was about to give up, he exhaled a gust of breath. "Can't fight this." He stripped off her top. "Because now my mind has seized on you landing smack-dab on my cock. Can almost feel it already."

**Sticks head in freezer to cool off...


  1. Move over, I need some of that freezer air too! :D LOL. And I am still laughing at the whole, tripping and falling on your cock. Talk about a hard spot to land! :D

    I really need to return to this series so I can read Lothaire. *sigh* I'm hearing so many great things about it, but I want to hold off and get caught up on the previous books first. I've been reading too many series out of order lately and it's bugging me. Guess I'm weird that way! LOL.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. TBQ~
      HEEEEHEEE--I loved this little snippet, beacause it was damn hot AND had me laughing.
      I prefer to read in order to...and suggest you do with this one...it paints a better picture of Lothaire--

  2. OMG! Great teaser, I have a few more books before I can get to Lothaire and this just makes me want to get through the books to read this one! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Lori,
      LOVED this book; it's my fave of the series. Next to Wicked Deeds On A Winter's Night and Dreams of a Dark Warrior.

  3. LoL I loved that part, so hot and funny too! Great pick!
    Thanks for participating hun =)

    1. Crystal,
      I look forward to Sexy Snippet Tuesdays :)


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