Thursday, February 2, 2012


Night Prince, Book One
Expected Release Date: June 26, 2012
I came across some lovely upcoming covers from some great authors. The first one is the talented Jeaniene Frost and Vlad's story--Once Burned. I have been dying for his book since his introduction in the Night Huntress Series. He has such sex appeal and a wicked sense of humor:

Fave Vlad quote:

"What the hell was that?" I gasped.
"Premature inflammation," he replied. "Happens sometimes. Very embarrassing. I don't like to talk about it."

Expected Release Date: September 25, 2012
 Another beautiful cover is from Maya Banks and her new Scottish Highlander historical. Have you read the previous three that she recently released. I've got them in the TBR mountain and seriously need to make time for them. I've heard its a good thing to have a box of Kleenex handy.

OH---I almost forgot the newest from author Lydia Dare and Jaime Rush.

Offspring Book 6
Expected Release Date: 2012

Westfield Wolves Book 5
April 1, 2012

What covers have grabbed your attention and has you drooling, anxious for its release?


  1. Great cover picks! Might I suggest participating in Lusting for Covers on Sunday? You could use any of those, or highlight others that you have fallen for in the last week. :)

    I haven't read any of Frost's work yet (ducks) BUT I really want to, I've heard so many great things--and Vlad's cover is great!

    I have The Wolf Who Loved Me in my TBR pile for review, but since it is an e-book, I don't get to enjoy the pretty cover *sigh*. Oh well, I'll just oogle it online instead!

    "Spliced" Giveaway ends 2/5/12!

    1. TBQ~
      Thanks for stopping here and leaving a comment. Do you host Lusting for Covers at your site on Sundays?
      Shame on you for not reading Frost-Her Night Huntress series is one of my all time faves.
      Let me know about the Lusting for Covers on Sundays--I'd love to participate!

    2. Yes, I host Lusting for Covers every Sunday on my blog. :) I hope to see you there!

      I know, I know! I keep meaning to, and then...It's not my fault! It's my TBR mountain, I swear it keeps threatening to fall on me if I so much as consider buying another book! LOL.

      By the way, totally random, but have you heard of/participated in BookSoulmate's RAK? This is my first month doing so, but so far I am having a blast. If you are interested, I would highly suggest looking into signing up for it--if not this month, than any month(s) you choose. Most of the people that I've seen participating in it so far are YA fans (which I love, nothing wrong with that), but it makes it a bit harder to get very many romance novels when not many fans are on it yet. Thought I would help them to spread the word more. :)


    3. I will try to show up on your blog this Sunday--sounds fun.
      As for RAK--is that the Random Acts of Kindness? I'll have to check it out. I do read some YA and have several titles in my TBR pile as well. Thanks for responding. Have a great weekend!


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