Thursday, February 16, 2012


Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by  Under the Covers. Every Thursday we get to know other bloggers and our readers more intimately by asking them a question hoping to reveal their dirty little secrets. We hope that you will all join us!

To participate in the meme all you need to do is:
1. Be a follower of Under the Covers.

2. Create a post in your blog taking the meme image above and copy instructions.

3. Answer the question we propose! This can be done in any way you like, post a video, write a post etc.

4. Then add your link to UTC's blog posting on their page.

Non-bloggers: We want to hear from you as well!!! Let us know your answer in the comments!
We hope you join us and let us know your Dirty Little Secrets!

This week's question:

Heroes in historical romance like the extremes - the virgin hero or the rogue rake. Which of the two makes you shudder in pleasure?

I have to admit that historical romances aren't my favorite genre to read. However, I do have a few authors that I love and will read their historical romance titles.
So the question is--do I prefer the virgin hero, or the more sinister rogue?  Well, that just depends on the story and the mood I am in at the time. Both can be quite delish and make me swoon with lust.

Case in point---Jamie Fraser from OUTLANDER. He was a virgin and man did he rock my hoohah.

But, I do tend to fall more for the Man Whore of the fiction world. They know a woman's body and honestly, what woman wants a man who isn't familiar with the G spot? 
I would LOVE to see a more erotic writing of Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights...that man was dark, dirty, and delicious on a scale of 1 to OMG I'm cumming.

So what about you? Which hero do you prefer? Leave me a comment and let me know!


  1. I wholeheartedly agree - Jamie Fraser rocked my world, but I typically fall for the Bad Boy. I don't read a lot of romance / erotica - I'm more of a sci fi / fantasy / historical fiction geek and the most recent BB example I can pull from my still-sleep deprived brain is Eric Northman. Call it the thrill of the chase, but I want a guy (at least in my fantasies) that I can conquer ;D

    1. Eric wasn't my fave at first, but he has grown on me :)

  2. Everyone is choosing the rouge rake, and for good reason! I however had a different answer.

    I also used Jamie as an example of the perfect virgin hero. Love him!

    Here's mine:

    1. Jess,
      Jamie is one of my all-time favorite male heros...there is just something about him that speaks to me :)
      thanks for commenting!

  3. Haha, great answer! Jamie is a great hero, but definitely the Man Whore for me. Now if there is a retelling of Heathcliff, I'd totally go for that.

    My DLS

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

  4. mm manwhore is a very good discription. Much prefered

    1. The Librarian~
      LOL, thanks for stopping over and leaving me a comment :)

  5. I'm all in it for the bad boys so Rake is for me!! Heres mine:

    1. Nikki~
      Thanks for stopping by and checking out my fave---will head over to your post now!
      Have a great weekend!


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