Thursday, March 15, 2012


Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by Under the Covers. Every Thursday we get to know other bloggers and our readers more intimately by asking them a question hoping to reveal their dirty little secrets. We hope that you will all join us!

To participate in the meme all you need to do is:

1. Be a follower of Under the Covers.

2. Create a post on your blog using the meme image above and copy instructions.

3. Answer the question we propose! This can be done in any way you like, post a video, write a post etc.

4. Then add your link over on UTC's Dirty Little Secret post.

**Non-bloggers: We want to hear from you as well!!! Let us know your answer in the comments!

We hope you join us and let us know your Dirty Little Secrets!

This week's question:

What are your top 3 movies?
1. Crash--simply the best damn movie I have seen in a long time. I was literally on the edge of my seat. I have seen this years ago, and when someone asks me this question, CRASH is always part of my answer. Simply.Fantastic.

2. Most Romantic movie and STILL makes my cry to this day. Some might say it's cheesy, but not me. And the fact that James truly did his research and the lengths he went to for this movie shows his passion and is reflected in this epic film.

3.  Steel Magnolias- One I can watch over and over. I laugh my ass off and cry every time. Its a reflection and celebration of friendship that draws me to this charmer. LOVE IT. 

I have some Honorable Mentions:
1. Fried Green Tomatoes
2. The Godfather
3. It's A Wonderful Life
4. Schindler's List
5. Philadelphia

I am sure that I can think of more--but I am a movie fanatic.
What about you? What are your top 3 movies of all time?



  1. I love Steel Magnolias. A great movie.
    Titanic..not so much. I don't now why, but I have never liked it *shrugs*. :-)
    Happy DirtyLittleSecret Thursday!

    1. Yay~
      Thanks for coming over and leaving me a comment...Have an awesome weekend!

  2. Titanic is not cheesy it is a wonderful movie! I am excited for its re-release into theaters! Great picks!

    Here's mine:

    1. Jess-
      I don't know if I will see the re-release. 3D isn't my thing---it actually makes me nauseated to watch a 3D film.
      Have an awesome weekend!

  3. Good list! I never saw Crash, but I love Steel MAgnolias and cried my eyes out watching Titanic!

    Here's my DLS


    1. Jamie
      If you like a movie that sucks you end with twists/turns that you don't see coming--CRASH is an excellent choice.

  4. Great list! I can't do Titanic. It's simply too long, but I've heard great things about Crash.

    My DLS

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

    1. Ning-
      Thanks for stopping by and leaving me some comment love-Hope you have a great weekend.
      And yeah---I really have to be able to sit for a while to watch Titanic--which is almost impossible :)


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