Friday, April 20, 2012


**Chance to win a $20 Amazon Gift card--(see how below)** 

Title:  BloodStorm (Heart of a Vampire Book 1)

Author: Amber Kallyn

Publisher: Dragon Heart Books

Release Date: April 13, 2012

Novella: e format, 193 pages

Paranormal romance

Click here to buy book:

First off, I owe a HUGE apology to Amber Kallyn for the lateness of my post-I had huge computer problems and other situations that arose during the day. I am FINALLY back on line and working on the other personal stuff as well. 

That being said--WELCOME, Amber to my blog--I usually have my shit together, so sorry for the state of affairs around my laptop.

Mr. Fanged and Sexy

I loved watching Bram Stoker’s Dracula. It was my first taste of the sex appeal of creatures of the dark.

Stoker’s Dracula wasn’t a monster, but a man pining for his lost love for centuries. Who can resist that level of dedication? Seriously, when was the last time you got more than 60 seconds of adoration from a guy?


When Buffy the Vampire Slayer hit the scene, I was ecstatic. Can we say Angel without drooling? Or the bad boy Spike?

These men lived for love, and there was so much more. They could kick the ass of anyone who dared harm their woman. (Of course, I fell in love with Buffy first, cause she didn’t need anyone to kick ass for her, she did just fine by herself).





Years ago as a teenager (I won’t share the numbers), my friends and I would talk about one day meeting someone tall, dark and handsome. Mysterious was better. Add fangs? I’m there baby.

Isn’t that exactly what vampires are?

Add in the excitement of danger, and the ability to live forever with the person you truly love. What more could a girl ask for?

So, my Q4U: What makes vampires sexy to you?


Blurb from BloodStorm:

When duty forces a shaman to stop a vampire from her revenge, love doesn’t just burn... it bites.

For two hundred years, Niki DeVeraux has been tracking the monster who murdered her family and made her a vampire. She finally catches up to him only to face more than she bargained for in a too-sexy sheriff who makes her remember she’s still a woman. With duties as Keeper of the peace and Sheriff, Shane Spencer must protect humanity and stop the friction between the local Arcaine races before it turns into an all out blood war.

When wolves start turning up dead, the tension between the races grows and suspicion falls on Niki. Shane knows she’s not to blame, and it has nothing to do with the primal urges she stirs within him. Working together, they must stop the hostilities from going over the edge. Trouble is, the desires raging between them might prove more dangerous than the surrounding threats.

About the author:

One of those rare breeds, Amber Kallyn is an Arizona native who can trace her family's history through six generations in the state. She lives with her sexy husband, and their four very active children. Included in the menagerie are two cats (though there's always room for more) and two dogs. We won't count all the fish. She also writes urban fantasy under the name Higley Browne.

Amber loves the paranormal, from dragons to werewolves to vampires. She's currently at work on her next book, probably running around the house acting out a fight scene with her collection of swords and daggers. Or maybe, wishing she had claws to practice the other fight scenes.

A voracious lover of the written word, Amber found at an early age that she could read fast. Really fast. She devours novels by the day, novellas by the hour, and is always looking to get her hands on more.

Links for the author:

Website / Wordpress / Twitter  / Facebook / Goodreads / Newsletter


Excerpt from BloodStorm:

There was little warning as the air stirred. The sheriff slammed his hands on the fence, one on either side of her, trapping Niki between his body and the wood. 

She glanced up at him, amused. 

He practically bit out his words. “I have a dead shifter with vampire marks, a truce close to breaking, though hell if I can figure out all the whys, and a Rogue vampire in town.” 

His scent overwhelmed her and Niki couldn’t resist playing with fire. Just a little. She leaned closer. “And I’m obviously guilty. After all, I’m a murderer merely because I’m a vampire.” 

She bared her fangs. 

He didn’t flinch. His face reddened and he glanced past her, to the wooden fence, before meeting her gaze once more. His voice softened the tiniest bit. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.” 

“Oh? It was pretty clear to me.” 

He opened his mouth, then snapped it shut. Niki continued to stare at him, wondering what he’d been about to say. 

“Look,” Shane said, his voice soft and seductive now. She didn’t trust it. “I believe you didn’t do this. But if you know who’s behind the killings, I need to know too.” 

“You can’t con me with sweet smiles and pretty words,” she replied, though her breath came just a little faster at his nearness. He smelled of soap and smoke and spice. It set her nerves on edge and she could barely think as his scent filled her. 

His eyes widened as if he could read her thoughts. She licked her lips and his gaze drew lower, to her mouth. He swallowed loudly, drawing a tiny bit closer. 

As if pulled by some magnetic field emanating from him, Niki leaned in. 

She stared into his golden eyes, unable to break from his gaze, to move back from the hot energy rolling off his body. 

“Niki,” he whispered huskily, need filling his voice. His shoulders tightened and his jaw clenched.

If she hadn’t been who she was, her body would have melted into a puddle, right then and there. She couldn’t bring herself to pull away. 

Time stood still, the rest of the world fading into nothingness. Thoughts of her duty faded. All she could do was stand before him as her body came alive, reminding her she was a woman. 

Shane growled, crossing the last hairsbreadth of distance between them. He pressed his lips to hers, firm and warm. 

Gasping against his mouth, she drank in the feeling. 

His touch was electrifying. Inside her, something long dormant and frozen for centuries began to wake. The short stubble on his chin scraped against her skin deliciously. 

An unbidden desire to embrace him fully pushed at her. Her hands curled with the thought of what his skin, his flowing hair would feel like. The thought finally gave her a sliver of control. She broke away, slipping beneath his arm and backing up to the other side of the alley. 

She stared at him, breathing fast and sharp. 

He seemed shaken. As unsteady as she felt.


**Amber is giving away a $5 Amazon gift certificate to one lucky winner at this (and every) stop in the blog tour. Just comment below to be entered.

Amber will also be giving away a $20 Amazon gift certificate to the wonderful host who has the most comments at the end of her tour.

And she will be giving away another $20 Amazon gift certificate to the reader who leaves the most comments on all the blogs she’ll be visiting.

In an event of a tie, Amber will use to select the winner.** 

Tour Stops:

April 16 --J.D.’s Book Blog

. Reading Lark

April 18 --Ce-Ce`s Garden of Reviews

April 19 --Place of Reads

April 20 --C. S. Maxwell’s Blog

  •  Heartthrob Haven

May 4 --Paranormal Romantic Suspense

. Red Hot Books

May 7-- Stories With Bite

. Urban Girl Reader

May 8 --Read2Review

. Reading Between the Wines

May 9 --The Wormhole

May 11 --Kay Dee Royal’s Blog

. Salacious Reads

May 12 --Fiction Fascination

. Words of Wisdom

May 14 --Reviews By Molly

May 15 --Have You Heard Book Review


So, leave a comment and answer Amber's question--what makes Vampires sooooo damn sexy to you?  Don't forget to include your email address so that we can contact you! 


  1. Hey hun, no worries. Thanks so much for having me by today :)

    1. Amber--I feel like dog poo-my computer is now working, but earlier it was driving me ape shit--nothing was posting and I had to re-write the blog post.
      I hope you have had a better blog tour with the other blogs so far, lol.

    2. Aw, don't. Things happen-especially with technology. Can't live with it, or without it, LOL.

  2. Hello Amber!!

    What makes vampires sexy to you? Well if they are anything like Lara Adrian and Laura Wright's vampires... Mmmm... Guess it's the cockiness and the enigma of them that makes them sexy.

    Raonaid at gmail dot com

    1. RAO----Sweetie, how the hell are ya? I haven't 'seen' you in ages.
      Thanks for stopping by and visiting me :) It made my day!
      For me, it's that they're nocturnal creatures, so like me, lol.
      Also, the biting thing is kinda of kinky and I like it :)

    2. Hey!! Yeah, I've been keeping myself pretty scarce. Plus been feeling quite invisible of late which has prompted my need to stay away!

      Took a break from the two books I'm reading - one I promised to do a review

    3. Well, I'm damn glad to see ya, anyways! I have some review posting to do myself. Hope you have a great weekend and thanks for re-tweeting about this post.

    4. Gotta get back into Stacia Kane's Unholy Ghost. Promised Jackie from Bittenbybooks that I'd review the book since I'm a newb to her books. She gifted me the book through Amazon. Almost 50% in...

      And I finished Goodnight Tweetheart by Teresa Medeiros. So good. I actually got misty eyed.

      Taking a break to flush out a villian for my WIP..

      Not all that great oof a weekend. Missed the book sale at the library * sighs * and it's raining.

    5. Rao--I'm reading so many books at once right now, my head is spinning, lol.
      1. Dire Needs
      2. Catch Me A Cowboy
      3. Shameless
      4. When the Bullet hits your funny bone (true Navy SEAL's story)
      MY manuscript is getting a slight overhaul...had a major change with one of the secondary characters which is causing a LOT of editing...UGH!
      And trying to catch up with blog updates and emails...I need an extra 24 hours in my day before I start on Monday tomorrow....GAH
      Have a great Sunday!

  3. Hi Raonaid,

    I love cocky men :) Add in the mystery and wow.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  4. They always seem to have mesmerizing eyes!

    sallans d at yahoo dot com

    1. I love that, too. Mine don't, though, other than attraction *hot too :)*

  5. I think it is the intensity of their emotions that I find so HOT. They fall into love, lust & loathing with such passion.


    1. To me, I think Vamps come across as very sexual creatures--their lust for blood and sex seem intertwined. Thanks for stopping and commenting at my blog.

    2. Good point. Vampires are always so passionate about everything :)

      Thanks for stopping by.

  6. And the winner is Marybelle :)

    Congrats :)

    You should have an email from me.

    Thank you to everyone who stopped by. If you're following the tour, you can still leave comments at all the blogs for the final $20 gift card for the most comments over the tour :)

    Thanks so much for having me over.

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog :) Have you contacted Marybelle? I will announce her winning on today's blog.
      Feel free to visit any time, Amber.
      And good luck with the rest of your tour!

    2. That's awesome. I have contacted her, and she's received her gift certificate :)

      Thanks so much, and I'd love to visit again.

    3. Congrats!!!!Thanks to all who participated and left a comment. I hope you enjoyed Amber's book!

  7. Very nice excerpt! Thank you for sharing.
    I used to love Buffy. Even the movie. ;)
    There is just something about a kick-ass heroine!
    I know the contest is over, but I wanted to share anyway.

    1. Hi Tina,
      I loved the movie too :) And the top commenter contest is open until next week still :)

    2. Tina--No worries, hun. I think I am probably the only human left that hasn't watched this series. GASP...the horror. I have told myself that I would, but never have made the time.
      Glad to know that the top commentor contest is still open :)

    3. Lol, C.S. Maybe you can in the future if you can find it. Hehe. Though, they probably have it on DVD now.
      Did you watch the movie?
      Thanks, Amber. :)

    4. Tina--I did watch the movie, but it was soooo long ago. I do have the first season of Angel on DVD, just haven't made the time to watch it.

  8. My friends thought I was nuts as a teenager cause I loved vampires, glad I wasn't the only one. I don't think I'll ever stop loving Angel! He's just dreamy. Although you can really tell how much younger he is when Buffy started cause he looks so young in the first episode!

    1. Sarah---I used to scare myself shitless when I was younger watching movies such as Salem's Lot, etc....Still cannot watch that, even though, it's very cheesy comparted to more current movies featuring vamps.
      Thanks for stopping and commenting!

    2. I'd love a few new (good) creepy vamp movies, and horror anything, LOL. Do you watch Bones? Angel is in it and he's all grown up, Yum ;)

    3. Amber
      I don't get to watch too much tv--as my head is ALWAYS in a book, or so I'm told--snicker.
      I do know that the guy in BONES is hawt, but didn't know that was Angel...damn...he IS all grown, lol. Hope you are having fun during your blog tour. Thanks for stopping by and commenting to my followers :)

    4. I'm having a blast :) Thanks.


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