Sunday, May 20, 2012


Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers.

This meme is hosted by TBQ @ TBQ's Book Palace.

To view complete instructions on how to participate, as well as grab the HTML code for the graphic, see this page first!

Once you are ready to join the fun, please fill out Mister Linky over at TBQ's Book Palace blog post with your name/blog name and the direct link to your Lusting for Covers for this week!

Sonia' a gifted physic who finds herself seeing visions of the many women who have started disappearing around Vegas. Visions that have now put her on the radar of Adam Rain, a soldier who was part of an experiment that made him a super solider, powerful and dangerous. Adam wants to control the city. He wants to control her. Kel is also one of those super soldiers, a part of the unit called the Renegades who fight to protect humanity. A soldier who once planned to call Sonia his wife, until an Area 51 experiment changed his life, his future, Sonia's future. But now she is in danger, and nothing, and no one, is going to hurt her. She is his passion, his desire, his heart.
The man she believes is dead.

Purchase at Amazon
Purchase at B&N

This series is truly AMAZING. I have recently reviewed Book Three in Lisa's Zodius series, which rocked my hoohah!  I love the imaginary world she has created in these books. I am looking forward to purchasing this little jewel and losing myself once again in the Renegade's world.  So please leave a message--I'll be busy for a while, lol.

So what cover are you lusting after? Please leave me some deets so that I can admire it too!


  1. Thanks for participating in this week's L4C! :)

    Great cover--never heard of this series, but I'm definitely putting it on my list now! Love it! :D


    TBQ's Book Palace

    1. TBQ~ Thanks sweetums! Have to go over to your page to leave my link :)
      Hope you are having an awesome Sunday!

  2. Very nice pick this week. Never read this author before. WOW so much in the blurb interest me. Experiments, Super Soldiers, a husband who the herione thinks is dead and a hero who is protective and loving. I hope this means some yummy Alpha Heroes. I am def. checking this book/series out. Thanks babe. Have a beautiful day!

    1. Wickedly Delicious-
      I really adore this series because it's just so different. And yes--the men are way Alpha and super sexy. Sterling is my fave so far (he is book 2). Let me know if you read them.
      Have a great Monday!

    2. Oh sweetie you had me with Alpha and super sexy. You know me I am a sucker for books with a sexy Alpha Male. I will def start this series soon. Just a few more books to catch up on within the next few weeks. I will let you know when I start this series. Have a happy Monday babe.

    3. Wickedly Delish-
      I got a tweet from Lisa Renee Jones yesterday, and she is gonna give me a copy of this for a review :)
      Pays to know, baby, lol :)
      She is just such a super sweet person. I met and had drinks w/ her last year at RWA--it was fantastic. Donna Grant was also there, and Kimberly from a blog that right now--I can't remember the name, lol. I need more coffee.

    4. Hi sweetie. That is awesome she is giving you a copy. Fun you got to meet with her and have drinks.

  3. I love this cover, it makes my mouth water...good choice...I haven't heard of this author...I will definitely have to try this series out!!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Lover of Romance,
      Oh, do check out LRJ's books (esp this series) and let me know what you think, kay?
      Have a great Monday and thanks for stopping by my blog!


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