Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Tuesdays have never been so sexy!

Sexy Snippets is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Between the Wines for the 18+ crowd. To join in just grab the button, post a sexy paragraph or two from your current read and share the author & title so other participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like. Then add your post to the linky over on RBtW's blog post so everyone can follow along. Have a sexy good time!

This weeks SEXY SNIPPET:

Miranda's teeth sank into her lip.  Her corset became iron hands that would not let her breathe. His fingers brushed light as a kiss against her curls, and they both let out a pained gasp. Archer's chest heaved against her, his breathing raw as if he'd run miles.
"Open." His voice was a hot rasp against her ear.
Miranda swallowed hard. One step. Her knees buckled, and she clung to the wall, her eyes still shut tight.
His breath hitched. The blunt tip of his finger touched her flesh, and her head went light. She clung to the wall as that finger moved back and forth, so slow she thought she might scream.

Now I don't usually like historical romance, but this book rocked me from beginning to end. I loved Callihan's

Now it's your turn to show me your sexy!


  1. Oh, yeah! :) I really need to read this one soon!


    Here's mine:

    1. TBQ--I usually don't like historical--but I truly loved this and will read the rest of this debut series:)
      Thanks for visiting me :)

  2. LOL! This is awesome I swear I am not copying you. Just great minds think a like. Have to check mine out. Have a nice week babe.

    Here is mine:

    1. I know, LOL....you had yours up before me :) And I swear I'm not copying you, hehehehehe....
      Thanks for stopping by and visiting me :)

  3. LoL This one must really be good for both of you ladies to use it! My PIC, Lexi, reviewed this a bit ago and loved it as well. It's on my TBR list.:)
    Thanks for joining in Sexy Snippets!

    1. Crystal~ I love participating in your meme...it's always fun to share a sexy snippet to lure you guys in, lol.


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