Thursday, June 14, 2012


Hosted by

Note---this hop starts tomorrow~

This Blog Hop is to help pass around our favorite books, characters, series--whatever--that has left us LOVESTRUCK.

Over 100 blogs are participating with cool prizes/giveaways and great posts to read. 

When I think of a book that has totally blown me away in the past year--one author comes to mind that has stoked the flames to my girly bits and continues to whet my appetite for more--

Olivia Cunning

The Sinners On Tour Series

I am giving away one of each--BACKSTAGE PASS and ROCK HARD to 2 Lucky Commenters chosen via Random.Org.  This giveaway is open to US residents only and you must be a follower of Where's My Muse. Please remember to leave your email address in the comment, so I have a way to reach you.

I also have a very special treat on June 15--

The Smexy Trey Mills from Sinners will be stopping by to sit a spell and answer some very kinky questions about his upcoming book--DOUBLE TIME.  So remember to come visit me to enter my giveaway and see just what kind of dirty, pervy thoughts run through Trey's mind. 

I've bought a few thousand cherry-flavored suckers in preparation for the interview along with some edible fruit flavored undies....whip cream, maraschino cherries...Tune in to find out why!!


  1. Have heard great things about both of these books. They both look awesome. This is a new author for me, but have heard she writes great books. Would love to win one of the books. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  2. Chrisbails~ I adore Olivia's Sinner's--they are sexy reads with a wicked sense of humor. The giveaway actually starts tomorrow :)
    This was just a post to remind peeps about it. Be sure and stop by tomorrow!

  3. The covers make me swoon. I love hot books, so I guess I'll go spend some money ....

    cupcake @

  4. Cupcake---Oh, DO....and let me know what you think.

  5. I've really been wanting to read this series as it sounds fantastic! Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!!

    leyla413 AT gmail DOT com

    1. Wendy--the giveaway is on a different post that went up this sure to comment over there. The link is on the LOVESTRUCK pic on left side of page.
      Thanks for stopping by :)


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