Friday, July 27, 2012


Are you ready to hear what your favorite romance heroes have to say? Well, we have a ton of authors who are ready to share their hunky heroes during the HERO'S BLOG HOP! Starting today, Friday, July 27, 2012) and ending on July 31st, there will be over 100 Authors and Bloggers  sharing their favorite things about romance heroes ~  including character posts from them ~ and what we love about romance and men in general.

Alos each blog will be doing their own giveaway.  Which means there will be over 100 giveaways on each blog hosted by that Author or Blogger.

But that's not all....

We have THREE grand prizes. You as a reader can go to EACH blog and comment with your email address and be entered to win. Yep, that means that you can enter over 100 times!

  • 1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet (INT)

  • 2nd Grand Prize: A $50 Amazon or B&N Gift Card (INT)

  • 3rd Grand Prize: The following Swag Pack! (US Only)

 Be sure to check out the participating blogs (see at end of post)  over the weekend to enjoy some stories and facts about our favorite Romance Heroes and enter to win!

What Makes A Hero Sexy?

If you have been following my blog lately, you know I'm a huge fan of Maya Banks and her KGI Series. These heroes are strong, sexy men who know just how to please leading ladies. And for me, Rio has 3 things that make him one of the Ultimate Heroes in my book:

Here is a snippet (#1) that shows he's always thinking of the woman first. This little scene still has me fisting the sheets and curling my toes.

"Can you show me how to do it?"
Unless he was completely off by a mile, she was kneeling in front of him hand around his cock, asking him to show her how to give him a blow job.
One side told him not to be an asshole and to pick her up, spread her out, and show her how good his mouth could feel on her.

Of course, Rio is not gonna let that good side of him get in the way of giving his lady what she truly wants. And Grace wants to taste him; share a very intimate sexual experience that she has never done before. And Rio, well...he's an expert on dishing out some instructions that can be hotter than hell.  This sexy snippet (#2) shows a dirty talkin' hero can make his woman do anything:

"Deeper," he urged. "Take me deep baby. Hold me there. See how deep you can take me."

Also, my favorite hero (#3) isn't ashamed to sometimes let down his guard and show his emotional side. This scene shows Rio's vulnerability and who the hell can resist that? It made me tear up and bawl like a baby.  
"Oh, God, Grace," he said, his voice completely cracking. "No, no, baby. Why. Why, oh God, why?"
The rest came out in a tortured moan.

So ~ being the generous gal that I am, I am offering up a copy of Maya Banks newest book--Echoes At Dawn--to one lucky follower. (Winner chosen by Random.Org)
Here is how you can win a copy!
  • Open to only US Residents only.
  • No PO boxes--this is a printed book.
  • Must be a follower of my blog--leave name and how you follow in the comments.
  • Answer question below in your comment.
What makes a hero sexy to you?

**Don't forget to leave your email along with your comment.
Remember to check out the other participating blogs and have fun!



  1. I love Maya Banks. Thanks for the great giveaway! I follow you by e-mail!

    jlhmass at yahoo dot com

    1. Thanks Jhmass!
      Maya's KGI is my fave of her books. I am a huge fan of Romantic Suspense.

  2. um...yum! I haven't read any of this series, but damn! I think confidence makes a man sexy. along with a voice that cuts through me like butter...;)
    follow by GFC
    sstogner1 at gmail dot com

    1. Sharon,
      I tootally agree with you on the voice thing. GAH--I could listen to Sean Connery all damn day.
      thanks for stopping by and participating in the blog hop---have fun!

  3. I'm just getting into this series of Maya's.
    A hero is someone who puts himself at risk in order to help someone else.
    follow by email (+ more)
    sallans d at yahoo dot com

    1. Di~
      Love your answer...and Maya's heroes definitely do that.
      Thanks for stopping by and participating in the blog hop!


    A hero is sexy when he is absolutely gorgeous, of course, but also not afraid to show his vulnerable side.


    1. marybelle~
      Thanks for the comment-and it breaks my heart to see a man about an emotional pull to your heart strings.
      Have a great weekend!

  5. Anyone is super sexy when they are confident and smart and just let their character and confidence do their talking.
    I follow you by email - but haven't read the books..still dipping my toes in the romance genre

    1. iamindeed~
      Thanks for the follow. What books do you typically read? I have always loved my books to have some sort of romance--any heat level--and a great plot. Maya's books have both :)
      Have a great weekend!

  6. Confidence in themselves is one of the main things that makes a hero sexy to me.

    1. Molly~ Love confidence, as long as it doesn't slide into egocentric, lol.
      Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

  7. A Hero is sexy when not only is he Protective of thos he loves and cares for, but he's loyal. has compassion and a sense of humor. Thanks for this opportunity. I follow through Linky, email and GFC -GFC name is Lucky74.
    Carol L.
    lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

    1. Whoops-Carol, my reply is underneath here, as a comment. Sorry :(
      But thanks for stopping and participating!

  8. Carol~
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Love what you love in a hero...All great qualities.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. Charisma, always tops my list. A bit of dominance, and willingness to sacrifice everything to save those he loves. He doesn't have to have killer good looks, or super powers. But the three ingredients I mentioned are vital, at least to me.
    Enjoy the hop.

    1. Kittyb78~
      Love your answer :)
      Especially about the killer good looks; it's all about the little things put together that make the man. Looks is like the icing on the cake.

  10. What makes a hero sexy? Even though he's alpha, strong and confidant, he's not afraid to express his softer side. Meaning he is not ashamed to get on his knees (stop thinking dirty) to play with a child or help the elderly. Patient. Sense of humor.

    GFC follower
    Raonaid at gmail dot com.

    1. RAO~
      I love watching a man interact with kids. It melts my heart :)
      Patience is a must, esp. for me as I know I would drive a man bat shit crazy, lol.
      And my hero has to love watching Monty Python with me, hehehehehe

  11. I love strength of character and a tender side!

    1. Yvette -
      those are excellent qualities :)
      Thanks for stopping by and participating in my blog hop.
      Enjoy visiting the other sites!

  12. I think a hero struggling with their own demons is very sexy. I also like them to be alpha man. Nothing is hotter than a take charge man. I follow via GFC as Kaylyn Davis. Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. Kaylyn...I love a "darker" hero who has a darker past.
      thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  13. Determination and drive. Not to mention loyalty and a six pack.
    Linky follower

    1. divavixenqueen~
      great qualities for a hero, for sure. Six pack, eight pack, yum! Icing on the cake!

  14. I love a hero who has that "I will do anything for my heroine" attitude! That is so sexy!

    Follow via email: bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

    1. Mel~
      Great answer! Thanks for stopping by and participating in the hop...enjoy visiting the other great blogs!

  15. Thanks for the great giveaway! I haven't read this series yet but thanks to blog hops like this one I can now add it to my TBR list!

    A hero is one who stands up for what is right and what he believes in. He/She will be there for those they love and those who need them.

    mimirose41209 at hotmail dot com

    follow by GFC ~ mimirose41209

    1. mimirose~
      The KGI Series has action, suspense and smexy times with reall, REALLY, sexy heroes that I love and adore.
      And meet your qualifications you have listed :)
      Thanks for participating.

  16. A hero is smart, has a strength of character, & a sense of humor.
    GFC follower - Lisa G


    1. Lisa ~
      great assests :) And humor is up on my list as well.
      Thanks for participating in the blog hop.

  17. I love Maya Banks! To me, a great hero is strong, loyal, trustworthy, and has a wicked sense of humor! I love men who make me laugh :)
    GFC: laceyblossom


    1. laceyblossom~
      KEWL--another Banks fan!! I love men who make me laugh as well, and love a smexy scene where they are able to laugh at themselves. Sex should be fun (at times, lol).
      Thanks for participating!

  18. mmmm great excerpts!
    What makes a hero, a hero should be protective but kind, fierce but honorable, he needs to be funny, smart and totally hot helps :O)
    Carin email follower mawmom(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Carin~
      Love your rec's for a hero! Hotness, although not a necessisty, is always welcome, lol.

  19. Following via GFC
    Hhmmm what I find sexiest is a sense of humor. My ultimate hero is probably a muscly, tough, alpha but if can also crack a joke while saving your butt I find him even more sexy.

    1. CeNedria~
      Thanks for participating in this hop! Humor is a must for me as well. :)
      Have fun visiting the other blogs!

  20. I love a hero who is strong, sensitive, faithful, and funny.

    1. Liese~
      Thanks for participating in the blog hop and hope you enjoy the other goodies from the other sites! Have a great week.

  21. I love an intelligent, strong, alpha man. They are generally very protective, responsible, respect others, and dependable. You add a sense of humor and lots of sexy physical characteristics and I am in love (or at least lust, lol). I have not read any of this series yet but I have seen great reviews of them. Thanks so much for the giveaway.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

    Oh, I follow by GFC: June M. (one of the ways I follow)

    1. June~
      Lust is a good thang :)
      Maya's KGI heroes ROCK! and have all the qualities you listed.
      Thanks for participating in this hop-have a great week!

  22. I just love Maya Banks and her KGI series, talk about HOT heroes!
    Besides the obvious, what makes a hero sexy is when he gets a certain glint in his eye or that slight smirky smile.

    I follow by Linky, GFC as Christine Sheets and by email


  23. Rio starts my engine! Haven't read any of the KGI series, but they are definitely on my next book to read. I've truly been missing out. What makes a hero sexy to me is his sensitive, caring side with some humor mixed in.
    I follow by GFC - jessiel62 & email.

  24. Brainsbrains

  25. My favorite hero has to be tall, dark, and handsome, have a six or eight pack, be faithful, loyal, and love his woman/family beyond reason.<^_^>
    Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.

  26. This is a new series for me, i just added it to my shelf! Thanks for the chance to win :) raynman1979 at yahoo dot com

  27. I've heard Maya talk about this on Twitter and it sounds really interesting. I'd love to read it. I follow your blog, but couldn't find a link to follow you on Twitter. I'm @debdebss on there.
    Great post, thanks for sharing.

  28. I love a hero with an accent. Your series sounds great, It has been added to my TBR list. Thx for giveaway.

    blinkysthebest at aol dot com

  29. I like my heroes with strength(so they can carry me and not complain ;p) and of course with a sexy accent.

    I follow you via GFC(minnie medina)

  30. Tall, dark and witty is what I consider sexy. Even better if he comes in a uniform of some sort, lol. Thank you for the giveaway! I'm following you via GFC = MichelleW, as well as via Linky and Email - msromanticreads(at)gmail(dot)com

  31. i loge to have the hero and then and then i love the hop and then we hav e hero here and then we have the hero
    we have the fire dept here the dept are having paroblmes

    desitheblodne at msndot com

  32. Just being a mature, responsible, loving man is what makes a hero to me. He doesn't have to always be strong, but just be there through the good times and bad.

    koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

  33. A strong, responsible, smart, loyal, and trustworthy hero. Those are important characteristics for my hero.


  34. I love a witty hero :) Thanks for the chance to win - that book sounds great!

  35. I love when the hero is strong but can be gentle to the person he loves. Thanks for the giveaway. Love the snippets.

  36. Some of my favorite qualities is kindness, humor, loyalty, i love an alpha, i especially love a hero with a tragic past. One that needs a strong heroine to match him. Thanks for the fun hop and the awesome giveaway! Ya all rock!! :)
    GFC: shadow_kohler

  37. What makes a hero sexy to me is confidence.

    Google Friend connect follower.


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