Sunday, July 8, 2012


Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers.

This meme is hosted by TBQ @ TBQ's Book Palace.

To view complete instructions on how to participate, as well as grab the HTML code for the graphic, see this page first!

Once you are ready to join the fun, please fill out Mister Linky over at TBQ's blog post along  with your name/blog name and the direct link to your Lusting for Covers for this week!

This weeks L4C:

Lara Adrian
Edge of Dawn (Book 11, Midnight Breed Series)

Twenty years after the Order’s vanquish of their chief adversary, conflicts and skirmishes continue for the Breed, violence escalating toward war. Peace seems elusive, but the Order and their allies will not rest until it is won.

For Mira, raised with the Order from the time she was a child and now the formidable captain of her own team of warriors for the Order, the fight is personal. War has cost her a great deal, though nothing more precious than the life of someone she loved dearly. Vowed to avenge his death, Mira blazes into every battle like a Valkyrie, poised to make her enemies pay. Until an unexpected encounter with a rebel leader brings her face-to-face with a startling truth, and a betrayal that will cut through her every defense . . . straight to the core of the wounded woman whose faith has never been tested more, nor her heart more deeply torn.

I am a huge fan of the Midnight Breed Series--read all except for the last one,  Darker After Midnight, Book Ten.  This cover is by far her best.  And this is the long awaited story of Mira who we first met in Veil of Midnight. Can't.Wait.

Mark it on Goodreads to add to your TBR pile.

What book cover have you been lusting over this week? Please share!


  1. Thanks for participating in this week's L4C! :)

    YEAH---I was sooo close to using this cover myself, LOVE it, but then I saw the new paranormal series instead. Oh well; I'm glad to see it still used for a L4C! :) I can't wait for this book to come out..but first I need to catch up on the last two I have sitting on my TBR pile, so perhaps it's good that we've still got a little while! lol

    TBQ's Book Palace

    1. TBQ~ Hey Hon!
      There were a couple that I wanted to use, and I crossed my fingers that me and WD hadn't used the same one, lol.
      I need to read one---and then I'm caught up.
      Thanks for hosting and Loved your choice this week.

  2. Great choice this week. I am so behind in my post this week, posting today as cover revealed. Love this series. I am still on Taken by Midnight (Midnight Breed #8). So I am not too far behind. Crazy week for me so watch out it is Sunday stocking blog day. Just got to do a book review then I will be back to stock you baby. You have been warned.

    My L4C

    1. WD-I have been struggling very hard to keep up this week while on vaca--it's been very hard.
      I am soooo behind on my reviews, but hope to catch up once I get back home.
      I have missed you and your wonderful comments, lol. Can't wait for you to stalk my ass :) I'm waiting!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I haven't hear of this series but it sounds interesting. I wondering what's the betrayl?

    1. Bunnita--No problemo--Us Southern gals must stick together, lol.
      Hmmmmm....that would be a reason to read the book, no? LOL.
      I have not a clue, but can't wait to read.


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