Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I have just returned from a family vacation in the Outer Banks (Duck) and now I need a week to recover. What a blast!  I took my kids, minus the hubby, and put over 1000 miles on the 'ol Blazer traveling back and forth. 

One good thing about the Outer Banks? It was the beach--we were within walking distance and the sand/surf was perfection. Also, our house that we rented was big enough so that no one truly drove each other nuts...almost, lol. Behind the house was the best ever tikki bar with ceiling fans to keep you cool.

And did I mention it had a hot tub? You'd think that it being summer who would care for a hot tub--but the first couple of days I was still having issues with my neck and the heat was a blessing to my sore muscles.

The bad thing about the Outer Banks? The TRAFFIC SUCKS ASS! 

I grew up near a beach - Topsail Island - that is not hugely populated with tourists. And I loathe crowds. To be fair, it was the Fourth of July, but man--the last 8  miles of our harried 8.5 hour drive there took us freakin 45 minutes. Must I tell you what's it's like being shut in a car with 2 kids who are ready to burst and have been fighting off and on? My nerves were raw and I seriously needed a drink or four.

So, here's some pics to show you guys that I do have a life outside of books - although sometimes I wish I could just immerse myself into a good story for days and not surface.

Hope you are all having a wonderful summer! 

Me and my kids coming in after being 900 ft up

Back View of House- The Tikki Bar

My beautiful niece and me

Vacation motto


  1. Awesome pics!! Glad you had a wonderful vacation. :)

    1. Tina~
      Thanks-we had a blast, but I'm glad to be back home to real life. Have so much to do.

  2. Welcome back sweetie. Looks like you all had a blast. Loving all your photos. You have a beautiful family. I need that Tikki Bar in my backyard! The first photo is awesome, loving your daughter's expression. I am so happy you and your family had a wonderful vacation.

    1. WD~
      Hey girl! The parasailing was so much fun and so peaceful. It's amazing how quiet it is up there :)
      Carly was almost chickening out and Steve (the guy who put us in the harness) showed her pics he had of his 11 month old when he took him up--then she got on board, so to speak, lol.
      She was glad she did it and wanted to go again.--NOT--it was totally expensive.
      But glad to be back home now and get back to real life for a while. :)


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