Friday, September 21, 2012


18 & Over Book Blogger Follow is a weekly feature that begins on Fridays and runs through the weekend, hosted by Crystal from Reading Between the Wines. This is a Friday blog hop with the objective to find and visit other book blogs that share the same interest as you, namely books geared towards the 18 & over crowd, and make some new friends!

How to join in:

-You should run a book blog that features and reviews mostly adult reads.  Some Y.A.’s are okay but 18 & over adult reads should be your majority.

-Make a separate post for the 18 & Over Book Blogger Follow on your blog.

-Copy the button above and place it at the top of your post.

-List & answer the ‘Question of the Week.’

-Place your name and blog title in the linky over at RBtW's blog post and the URL for a direct link to your post.

-Visit the other blogs on the list and say 'Hi!' Following each blog is not mandatory but I know it is always appreciated, and if someone comments saying they’re a new follower it’s polite to follow back. It’s always nice to spread the 18 & Over Book Blogging love!

-Contact Crystal at with any questions!

Question Of The Week:
What book are you currently in the middle of? Not 'just finished', I want to hear about what you're currently deep into and your thoughts on it right now. Loving it, not so much, or mixed feelings, maybe? Get it all out, sometimes how we feel about a book in the middle is totally different then how we feel at the end. It will be interesting to hear about it now and then go back to check out everyone's reviews later!

Hah--I just had a discussion about books like 5 minutes ago with Francesca from Under the Covers. She is like me, and reads more than one book at a time. Sooooo....right now, I am only just starting two books.

Do you even have to ask what my thoughts are on this one?  Reseph is in one word--delish!  It's great to see the other side of him--not the Pestilence side, but the funny, charming, sexy, Horseman he was before all hell broke loose.

I think I am going to enjoy this one!

And this one, by Maggie Stiefvater, I haven't really jumped too far into yet. I'm only beginning. But I loved her Forever Series and The Scorpio Races. She writes Young Adult and paints a beautiful picture with her words.

And I haven't begun this one, but thanks to Francesca (ahem), I'm sure it won't be long before I suck this one up. I've read the first book in the series, Double Down, and it was a delicious ride--YUM!

What about you ? What book are you really diggin or wishin you were reading something else?


  1. 2 & 3 are completely new to me. Love Ione but haven't started that series either. I'm such a slacker. It's been on my TBR list for ages. I know so many people who just rave about it.

    Happy reading :)

    my dls

    1. Herding Cats ~ Burning Soup,
      I love this new series by's great. I am almost done with Reseph's story--YUM!
      Oh, and Katie's series is hot, hot, hot...spicy kink and very dominating men :)
      Let me know if you read them.
      Thanks for checking out my DLS :)

    2. LOL, Anna, this wasn't the meme for DLS...but both of us had written that in the comment. I think I need more caffeine this morning :)

    3. Bwhaha. Oh devil. It was a long week wasn't it?! I must have been chocolate deprived when I posted. And I'm sure I did it everywhere I stopped. LOL.

    4. Anna---MWAHHHH---no worries. I'm heavily medicated right now for my neck and shoulder pain, lol. So I have no clue what I have or haven't done. all works out in the end, no?

  2. I have Rogue Rider sitting on my Kindle waiting to be read, but I have some other books I have to get read before it and it's killing me! It's just a big tease sitting there along with Olivia Cunning - Double Time. I'm trying to be responsible damn it!

    -Amanda P
    Paranormal Romance

    1. Amanda ~
      My list to read is so damn full right now, I don't know whether I'm coming or going. ACK...and I have to leave myself notes to remember things for my reviews.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
      LOL---and I cannot believe you haven't given in to the Sinner temptation!


I love getting comments...tell me what you thought of my post!

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