Thursday, September 13, 2012


Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by Under the Covers. Every Thursday we get to know other bloggers and our readers more intimately by asking them a question hoping to reveal their dirty little secrets. We hope that you will all join us!

To participate in the meme all you need to do is:

1. Be a follower of Under the Covers.

2. Create a post in your blog taking the image above and copy instructions.

3. Answer the question we propose! This can be done in any way you like, post a video, write a post etc.

4. Then add your link below.

Non-bloggers: We want to hear from you as well!!! Let us know your answer in the comments!

We hope you join us and let us know your Dirty Little Secrets!

This week's question:

"It's blogger appreciation week...tell us which bloggers/reviewers would you like to meet in person?"

I religiously follow only a few great blogs, and there are a handful of great peeps out there that I would lurve to meet. In fact, if I was filthy stinkin' rich, I'd rent an island for a long weekend getaway, host a kick-ass party, and invite a shit load of great book bloggers out there. As well as a few favorite authors and er...male cover models to, ya know, model for us. It'd be a no-holds barred weekend where it'd be like VEGAS--if ya know what I mean, lol.

But you asked for one--so here ya go!

Francesca is my peanut butter to my jelly. And if you have no freakin' clue who I am talking about, you should jump over to UNDER THE COVERS and check her out.

While you're there, check out the other fan-tab-u-lous ladies ( Ann, Suz, and Angela).  They are 4 uniquely, funny ladies that have great posts, fantastic giveaways, memes, and reviews.

We (Francesca and I), more times than naught, share the same lurve for the same books. Anything she raves about, I pick up and read. And she has just recently turned me on to Damon Suede, author of Hot Head (to name one of his books), and I was soooooooooo in lurve with his characters. HAWT, HAWT, HAWT, indeedy!   

We also chat on the phone sometimes and I must say her New York accent is ADORABLE. She makes me laugh and has been somewhat of a mentor for me for my own blog.

In 3 simple words---YOU ROCK, FRANCESCA!!

How about you? Who would you love to meet? I'm dying to know ~


  1. OMG I love you! LOL ;) Mwahhhhhhh One day it will happen, that island party sounds like a lot of trouble and fun!!!


    1. Francesca,
      You rock me!! And trouble is my middle name, Mwahhhhhhh

  2. Awwwww. That's sweet!!!
    Maybe RT??

    1. Unless I win the loterry or my book does really well when it releases, I don't think I will make it to RT next year.
      I am planning on going to Lori Fosters, and hopefully, RWA in Atlanta :)
      Have a great weekend!


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