Thursday, November 29, 2012


While perusing through my email this morning, I went over to Roni Loren's blog (love that woman and her books), and she posted something recently about Christmas and her wish list.   After I calmed my stomach and banged my head a few times on my desk in frustration, I decided that this would be a great post for today.

First off, I only started shopping for presents two days ago--and bought only 3 gifts for my kids. I will not go into the fact that I almost had heart failure at the total price and considered to sell my blood in order to pay off the layaway. Nor the fact that some stranger had to pick me up off the floor and hug me as I sobbed at the injustice...

My tree is up. That's about it. No lights, no decorations, no fancy tree skirt.  And my front yard is bare of Christmas cheer. Maybe I should turn on some holiday tunes to get me in the mood...but all I have is an old Alvin and the Chipmunks which would only aggravate the sitch.

So, my Christmas Wish List...what do I seriously NEED right now, besides more time and hours in the day?

Why, more BOOKS, of course...which is ALWAYS welcome. You will not go wrong with an Amazon gift card.

Here are just a few things that I would love to find under my tree, besides the naughty Santa above.

1. For the past few months, I have had back, neck, and shoulder pain with some numbness in my index finger in my right hand. Writing is not conducive to healing, but I have to finish my manuscript. The only treatment that is working is deep tissue massage (God bless you, Lisa) and I salivate when I realize that it is my massage day. So a gift certificate for Urban Nirvana is a must on my list.

2.  Any and all of the above must have books for 2013...which will be a later post this week. And when I move (which will hopefully be soon **crosses fingers), a HUGE ass bookshelf to store them and admire them, and trace my finger lovingly over each and every book spine...

3.  Girl trip money -- every year I take a trip with my gal pal  (and uber talented author), CL Parker and go to at least one Romance Writers' Convention. This year I am going to Lori Foster's get-together in Cincinnati...but there at least two more that I would love to attend.

Short I know, but I don't need much.

What about you? What are you wishing for this Christmas?


  1. Thanks for the shout out! : ) And great list! I heart massages too, so I wouldn't mind if Santa gave me that too (well, not personally from Santa. He's cute and all but don't really want a rub down from him.) ;)

  2. Roni~ Thank you so much for stopping by in my little corner of the world :) It made me smile big!
    Love your response to the massage. I'm hoping to schedule another massage soon-maybe next weekend. They have been the only thing to work for my neck/shoulder problem.
    Hope you and your family have a wonder holiday season.
    BTW---LOVE your blog site and visit it whenever I can.


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