Sunday, April 28, 2013


Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers.

This meme is hosted by TBQ @ TBQ's Book Palace.

To view complete instructions on how to participate, as well as grab the HTML code for the graphic, see this page first!  

Once you are ready to join the fun, please fill out Mister Linky over at TBQ'S blog post with your name/blog name and the direct link to your Lusting for Covers for this week!

Here's my candidate for the week:

The danger that drew them together could send them over the edge…

Playing the role of enforcer in the Killers motorcycle club, all CIA operative Clint “Tomcat” Sommers has to do is make sure he has a body to show for his work. Thanks to his ability to move stealthily and easily between the two worlds, the CIA is damned close to making one of its biggest MC gang busts.

Two years undercover have taken their toll, but there’s no backing out now. Tomcat’s only reprieve from the pressure is fantasizing about the newest member of the gang.

Worry for his cousin’s involvement in the Killers drove Navy SEAL Jace Reynolds to agree to infiltrate the gang to do some short-term surveillance for the FBI. The deal: do the job, and his cousin gets witness protection. When he meets Tomcat, though, his fantasies kick into overdrive. Meeting men while on active duty is tough. Acting on his desires within the club could have deadly consequences.

Despite the risks, Tomcat’s and Jace’s off hours flare hotter than a full-throttle burnout. But the smoke is bound to attract unwanted attention. And when Tomcat suddenly disappears, the secrets both warriors keep could send one of them to the grave. 

Product Warnings: Contains two hot men undercover—and under the covers. Both with secrets under wraps that could cause everything to unravel in the deadliest way imaginable. If you’re inspired to try something new on a motorcycle, go for it. Just don’t blame the author for any pulled muscles.

Well, Hell's Bells ~ That is just sexy! It has a few elements that really get my motor goin'. 

1. No shirt--Hello, Mr. Six Pack, How the hell are ya?!
2. Dog.Tags. 
3. Sexy Hands  ~ I am a sucker for a man with hands.
4. Excuse me, but is that a motorcycle in the background? 
5. Man on Man lovin? 

I think I am in lurve **Big Grin.

Now it's your turn to share -- what cover are you lusting over this week?  Leave me a comment--I'd love to hear from you! 


  1. I think you hit the nail on the head with all of your reasons for loving this cover! :) I'm not sure if I'd pick it up or not...I've not read many M/M books, but maybe that will change, in which case I'll have to remember to put this one on my list!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


    1. TBQ~ Hey sweetums!
      LOL--My gal pal Francesca over at UTC book blog got me hooked on M/M romance. But I need some angst and emotion with it. Not just smexy times. I highly suggest Hot Head by Damon Suede--it rocked my world and was a great read!

  2. Yep you nailed it with your reasons. I am all over this novel. Cover is hot and blurb sounds interesting with two sexy men undercover. Adding to my wish list.

    Glad you are back to L4C. We missed you tons babe!
    My L4C

    1. WD :) Wish he'd nail me :)

      I missed you guys too. Trying to be more diligent with my blog.

      Peeking later at your week on your blog :)

    2. I hope you get to continue with L4C. Loving seeing your choices.

    3. I will do my best, lol. :) I love doing this meme, it's fun!
      It helped that I already had one picked out and posted ahead of schedule. Maybe I'll keep doing that to make it easier.


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