Friday, July 12, 2013


18 & Over Book Blogger Follow is a weekly feature that begins on Fridays and runs through the weekend, hosted by Crystal from Reading Between the Wines. This is a Friday blog hop with the objective to find and visit other book blogs that share the same interest as you, namely books geared towards the 18 & over crowd, and make some new friends!

How to join in:

  • You should run a book blog that features and reviews mostly adult reads, some Y.A.’s are okay but 18 & over adult reads should be your majority.
  • Make a separate post for the 18 & Over Book Blogger Follow on your blog.
  • Copy the button above and place it at the top of your post.
  • List & answer the ‘Question of the Week.’
  • Place your name and blog title in the linky below over at RBtW's post and the url for a direct link to your post.
  • Visit the other blogs on the list and say 'Hi!' Following each blog is not mandatory but I know it is always appreciated, and if someone comments saying they’re a new follower it’s polite to follow back. :) It’s always nice to spread the 18 & Over Book Blogging love!

Contact me (readingbetweenthewines10 at gmail dot com) with any questions!

Question of the Week: When you DNF a book or rate a book two 'stars' or lower, do you post a review for it on your blog? Have you ever emailed the author about it? 

Funny you should ask this question. I just recently finished, er...well attempted to finish, a book this past week. And failed. 
I am not a fan of bashing an author for a bad book. In fact, book bashers piss me off. Or author bashers. Whatever you want to call it. There is simply no need to get nasty.
I have posted a few 2 star reviews on my blog-either because I was asked to, or received it via NetGalley. I feel it's important to be honest, without all the mud slinging. 
I will not email an author to let him/her know. That really isn't necessary. 
The great thing about books and reading is that there are so damn many out there and we (readers) have such different "criteria" as to what makes a great read. 
But one thing I will say--if a book doesn't hold my interest, or just sucks really bad, I will put it down. There are too many other books out there waiting for me to read. 

What about you? Leave me a comment and let me know what you think. 


  1. I use to before try to post any review regardless of the rating but felt latley I rather spend more time and engergy in the novels I enjoy. I will be posting a review shortly for 2 stars but I try not to bash the author. I still left postive note on the book. It is for NetGalley. Latly for netgalley if it is DNF I let them know it is DNF and will not post a review.

    Thinking of you. Just came across a new MC novel. Seize Me (Breakneck #1) by Crystal Spears. One review on amazon said it is along the lines like Undeiable and Reaper with dark and gritty. Great reviews on amazon and goodreads. Did not read them all so do not know if all ARC copies but I read a snippet and caught my attention enough to buy it. Can not wait to read it.

    Link to novel on GR

    Link to novel GR snippet

    1. OOHHHHHHHH---I clicked on the link and will be getting it shortly. It sounds right up my alley.
      Thanks for letting me know about it.
      I will re-think posting that 1 star review for netgalley...if ya wanna know what it was--Beneath The Surface.
      Did you get a chance to read it?
      Let me know...
      Thanks again for stopping by my little corner of the world.

    2. I have not read Beneath The Surface yet. Darn it. The cover is hot the blurb sounds good. If it was a DNF for you most likely will be for me too. We pretty much have the same taste. Mine was This Man.

    3. WD~ OMG, I could not finish This Man, either. I wanted to scream at the heroine. I just posted to both publishers for This Man and Beneath The Surface, telling them that I rated them a 1 star, and did not enjoy the books. Asked whether if they still wanted me to post the review on my blog.

  2. As a blogger, I've often wondered if there was any point in publishing bad reviews. But as a reader, I most definitely like to know what somebody found wrong with a book. On Goodreads, there were soooo many good critics about some books that I was tempted to add them to my list, until I found bad critics where they explained what they didn't like and I found that was stuff I didn't like too. So I think it's always helpful.


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