Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Tuesdays have never been so sexy!

Sexy Snippets is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Between the Wines for the 18+ crowd. To join in just grab the button, post a sexy paragraph or two from your current read and share the author & title so other participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like. Then add your post to the linky over at RBtW's blog post so everyone can follow along. Have a sexy good time!

"God," she panted, reaching up to stroke his face. "That was incredible. How the hell did you keep from coming, too? His sense of irony made an unexpected appearance as her pussy still clasped possessively at his cock. With a twitch of his lips, he muttered, "I have control like iron."She giggled appreciatively and leaned up to give him a sweet kiss.But this sort of tenderness stretched him too far. He reared up. "Ready for more?""Yes, please," she replied, smiling at him fondly.Her expression made his chest ache, his heart swell, his control falter.

I got this little goodie from NetGalley...and will be reviewing it tomorrow. Let me just say that I totally enjoyed it. Even without reading Escorted, book one in this series, I never felt lost and could totally empathize with Ander. He was such a sexy, vulnerable, and lovable hero. 

Now it's your turn to show me your sexy ~ 

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