Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Book Review- Shadow Magic by Donna Grant

Sisters Of Magic Book One ~ Reissued

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Rating: 4 Stars
Sensual Rating 4 Stars--Smoking HAWT!

Hawthorne Castle
Central England, 1127
Jealousy, if left unbridled, could turn a good soul as black as Satan.
And so it was the first time Serena of Hawthorne saw Lord Drogan of Wolfglynn with another woman. The jealousy was instant and sharper than any needle that could pierce her skin. The fact that she hadn’t even met Drogan and so shouldn’t have noted the beautiful woman on his arm did not go unnoticed by Serena.
She was a bana-bhuidseach, a witch, cursed and forever alone. ‘Twas because of what she was, men rarely caught her attention. Except for Drogan.
Her always sure footed feet faltered and then stopped as the excessively crowded great hall allowed her an unobstructed view of Drogan for a heartbeat. But in that moment, his image would be etched in her memory for all time.
People teemed around her, but Serena didn’t notice. She closed her eyes and let her mind’s eye looked over Lord Drogan of Wolfglynn at her leisure. What she saw made her break into a sweat and her soul stirred for the first time.
Dark auburn hair fell straight and thick, with a slight curl at the end, to his broad shoulders. He had a high forehead with gently arching brows over eyes of a rich golden brown. His nose was straight and aristocratic, and his mouth wide and full.
He wore a brown leather jerkin over a deep green tunic that didn’t hide the rippling muscles in his arms and chest. Her eyes moved lower to his thick legs encased in tight leather. Boots, worn but well cared for, encased his feet and calves.
Serena caught of glimpse of something shiny from the top of his left boot, alluding to a hidden dirk. The broadsword and dagger strapped to his waist let all know he was a warrior.
She opened her eyes and found Drogan staring at her. For the briefest of moments, Serena found herself starting toward him before someone bumped into her. 'Twas all she needed to break away. She turned her back on Drogan and the longing in her heart.
Duty called.


There isn't a Donna Grant book that I do not like. EVER. She is such a brilliant writer of historical romance-and Shadow Magic is NO exception.

Serena, a cursed witch, can see the future. And the future for friends Gerar, his wife, and new baby is one that ends in death.
Drogan, a fierce warrior, struggles to fight back the darkness that consumes his very soul.
Together, the two stand against evil and fight to chnage the fate of a family-and ultimately, fight to save the promise of a future together.
This steamy paranormal romance is filled with magic, both good and evil, and dark secrets that threaten to keep the lovers apart. And Donna Grant weaves a tale with vivid detail, smexy lovin', and twists that keep you on your toes. The only bad part? You want more.

Thank God there are two more books in this series of magic and romance.

Echos of Magic, the second of the Sisters of Magic Trilogy is released today.
Dangerous Magic, the final installment, will be released December 27, 2011

Other great books by Donna Grant include her Dark Sword Series--A Sensual Paranormal series with sexy Alpha Highlanders that take your breath away!  Click on the icon below to get more info on these great books! 

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