Monday, January 9, 2012

Book Review~ Shadow's Stand by Sarah McCarty

Title: Shadow’s Stand (Hell’s Eight, Book 5)

Author: Sarah McCarty
Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: HQN Books (January 31, 2012)

ISBN-10: 0373777051
ISBN-13: 978-0373777051

Links To Buy:

Where you can find the author, Sarah McCarty:
Yahoo Groups

Book Blurb:

Shadow Ochoa is lying low in the western Kansas Territory, waiting for his fellow Texas Rangers—the Hell's Eight brotherhood—to clear his name. That is, until he's unjustly strung up for horse thieving…and pretty Fei Yen intervenes. Invoking a seldom-used law, the exotic lady prospector claims Shadow as her husband and rides off with the bridegroom shackled to her buckboard.

Savvy, fearless Fei is single-mindedly devoted to her hidden claim and all it promises: wealth, security and freedom. A husband is just a necessary inconvenience and a name on paper to hold the claim she cannot.

Shadow isn't a man to take orders from anyone, especially from lovely Fei—except that the daily friction between them ignites into nightly blazes of all-consuming passion. Soon Shadow is dreaming a little himself: of the life they could have if only Fei could see past the lure of independence. If only bounty hunters weren't closing in on him. If only he's left standing when the impending showdown has ended….  (provided from

Book Review:

I am a huge fan of the Hell’s Eight Series-and that’s saying something. To be perfectly honest, historical fiction is not my favorite genre to read. In fact, there are just a few authors that I will read in this genre, and Sarah is one of them.

The fact that we get to see small snippets of all the men that make up Hell’s Eight had me a bit giddy. I think that Sarah has done a great job with developing such strong characters and she stays true to their ARC’s.


Shadow Ochoa has been sentenced to death by hanging for stealing his own horse. Literally at the end of his rope, he meets Fei Yen, who has come to claim him as her husband. She needs a man for protection, and the one hanging at the end of the noose is her only choice.

Fei’s spit-fire personality and fierce determination has her climbing Shadow like a monkey scrambles up a tree for a banana--cutting the rope free before the tight noose can still his breaths.

Shadow quickly becomes her Dragon-and the attraction between the two is heady.

Both harbor secrets that threaten to keep them apart-Shadow’s a wanted man after killing an Army man, and the darkness from his past keeps him admitting his love for Fei.

Fei struggles against the restraining upbringing by her Chinese father. A father who has slipped away from her because of a devastating mental illness that leaves him unable to know right from wrong.

Fei is fiercely loyal, smart as a whip, and stands up to Shadow’s intensity. Their verbal sparring is amusing and lined with underlying sexual tension.

“What kind of man are you?” Picking up her pack, he emptied out the last few sticks of dynamite onto the ground.

“The kind you need right now.”

Although this is not my favorite book, (Caine’s Reckoning has that honor), it is NOT one that fan’s of the Hell’s Eight should miss.

Shadow’s Stand was and ARC provided by Net Galley.

Rating: 4.5 Stars Sensual Rating: 4 Stars

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