Monday, February 13, 2012


Title: Third Grave Dead Ahead (Charley Davidson, Book Three)
Author: Darynda Jones
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Hardback: 320 page
Release Date: January 31, 2012

This book is my own personal purchase.

Where to find the author:

Where to buy the book:
Barnes and Noble

Book Blurb:

Charley Davidson—grim reaper extraordinaire, private investigator . . . meh—is practicing her profession under the influence, caffeine and copious amounts of it, due to an extreme desire to induce insomnia. Every time she closes her eyes, Reyes Farrow, the part-human, part-supermodel son of Satan, is there. Only thing is, he’s a tad peeved. She did bind him for all eternity, so it’s hard blame him. But 13 days without a wink is bound to bring out the crazy in a girl. So, when a man hires her to find his wife, Charley accepts the job with one goal in mind: Put the man behind bars, and not the wet kind. She can sense the guilt waft off him and vows to find the woman’s body and prove he’s a murderer.

In the meantime, Reyes is back in prison and none too happy about it . . . so Charley thinks, until she is carjacked by the dark-haired rake, who swears the very man he went to prison for killing is not only alive, but close by. And he wants Charley to find him.

While a visit to her old friend Rocket sheds no light on Reyes’s situation, Charley finds out the man’s wife is still alive and time is running out. Finding her before she dies would be a miracle, but she has to try. Together with the help of a fashion-impaired receptionist named Cookie, Charley sets out to bring the bad guys to justice. She just hopes Reyes is not one of them. And that she’s not hallucinating from her self-induced bout with insomnia.   

Book Review:

I cannot say enough great things about this series-and I can't do the book justice with my review. Just know that this book and the two before in the series, is at the top of my faves for 2011.
If you love snarky humor with toe-curling sexual undertones...this book is for you.

The titles alone for each chapter is laugh-out-loud funny. They are a collection of T-shirts and bumper sticker sayings that I seriously wish I had thought of--
Time to make today my bitch---T-SHIRT 

Darynda Jones has an amazing talent of the written word. She hooks you with her witty dialogue, charming characters, and REYES.  And did I mention, she blows me away with how she can pour so much sensuality and erotic meaning without coming across as crass and having to use one sordid word? A-MAZE-ING!

Reyes, the sexy son of Satan (who knew, right?) is drawn to Charley Davidson, The Grim Reaper. The sexual chemistry between the two leap off the page, inundate around you-thick with tension-and leave you panting for more.

What I really LOVE about these books is the fact that I never know what the hell will come out of Charley's (or is that Darynda's?) mouth. WARNING--DO NOT DRINK ANY TYPE OF LIQUIDS WHILE READING THIS BOOK! I have aspirated coffee while in car line waiting to pick up my kids. Seriously.

I have compared Charley Davidson to the plucky Stephanie Plum (by the uber talented Janet Evanovich)--only with a paranormal twist and a better ass, lol.
Charley finds herself caught between the sinfully delish Reyes and the hunk-of-goodness Garrett in Third Grave:
"My Goodness.  Garrett on one end and Reyes on the other. It's like a really hot, melty s'more." ---Cookie

The pacing of this book is just freakin' brilliant--A roller coaster ride from the beginning to the end of the book. Darynda reveals litte tid-bits of information, just enough to tantalize you and string you along...but you always want more. She sneaks them in and you don't see them coming.

And now I have a long-ass wait until I get my Reyes fix--again.

The fourth book, Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet, will be out sometime in 2013.

3 Horny Devils

Book Two

Book One


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