Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Release Day ~ Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Congratulations to all the wonderful authors who have a book coming out today. I am excited to get a few of these...


Title: Time Out
Author: Jill Shalvis
Publisher: Harlequin
Mass Market Paperback: 224 pages
Release Date:  February 21, 2012

ARC copy provided by NetGalley

Where you can find the author:

Where you can buy the book:
Barnes and Noble

Book Blurb:

Sign up for recreational adult programs now!

Class: How to Drive Him Crazy

Instructional program for women unexpectedly facing the totally dishy guy from their past. Everyone Welcome!

NHL coach Mark Diego’s plan to spend his off-season volunteering in his hometown goes awry when he learns that not only is he coaching teenage girls, but that the program is coordinated by energetic (and five feet two inches of trouble) coordinator Rainey Saunders, his childhood friend–and the woman he could never stand to see dating any other guy…

When their tempers flare, Mark and Rainey discover their fireworks don’t just burn angry–they burn very, very, hot! But that’ll just sweeten the victory. Because Mark always plays to win. And with Rainey, he’s planning on playing very dirty too.
Book Review:
I have yet to read a Jill Shalvis book that I haven't liked. SERIOUSLY.
I know that when I pick up her books, that I will get at least three things:
1. A solid, strong hero who is charming, sexy, and a heroine who loves to drive him crazy.
2. Smexy, steamy times that is loaded with great sexual chemistry. NEVER falls flat.
3. A great plot with funny laugh-out-loud moments.
All of these key ingredients are in Time Out.
I love to see a man squirm a bit--and Mark does this A LOT in Time Out. To see this Alpha Male have to deal with teen girls and listen to them discussing boys and sex is very humorous. He is so out of his element-used to coaching men on a professional Hockey Team--and has to put a dollar in the swear jar for every curse... 
Nice ass, he thought, and walked in the opposite direction, onto the field, handing Pepper another dollar.
"What's this for?" she asked.
I thought a bad word."

This was an enjoyable read and warmed me through and through. 

4 Horny Devils

 If you enjoy this book, you'll LURVE these other books by Jill Shalvis....

and check out her blog for some snarky humor that ALWAYS puts a smile on my face.

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