Monday, April 30, 2012


How IMM works:

1.Make your own IMM post! You don't have to post every week ~ you can do one week out of the month or every other week it’s up to you. But be sure to link back to The Story Siren blog, so that other people wanting to participate know where to get the information to do so!

2. Choose a day of the week that works for you. Store Siren posts her Monday Mailbox on her blog ever Sunday.

3.Once you have your IMM posted, come back to The Story Siren on Sunday and add your link to the list.

4.Try to post a comment on other bloggers IMM posts. I don’t expect you to post a comment on every single one, but pick a few!

5.All book bloggers are welcome, while I’d like to keep the theme to exclusively YA literature it’s NOT a requirement.

There is no right or wrong way to do In My Mailbox, you can vlog, you can take fun picture, you can use the books cover art, it’s up to you!

Most importantly HAVE FUN!

Here is my Monday Mailbox:

What did you get in your MONDAY MAILBOX?

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