Sunday, April 29, 2012


Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers.

This meme is hosted by TBQ @ TBQ's Book Palace.

To view complete instructions on how to participate, as well as grab the HTML code for the graphic, see this page first!

Once you are ready to join the fun, please fill out Mister Linky over at TBQ's Book Palace Lusting For Covers blog post and include the name of your blog and the URL for the direct link to your post for this week!

Here is my L4C for this week:

Title: Nobody's Perfect (Rescue Me, Book 4)
Author: Kallypso Masters
Expected Release Date: May 31, 2012

Savannah Gentry, now Savi Baker, escaped the torture and degradation forced upon her by a sadistic father for eleven years and has made a safe life for herself and her daughter. When her father threatens her peace of mind—and her daughter's safety—Savi runs to Damián Orlando for protection. Their one day together eight years earlier changed both their lives and resulted in a secret she can no longer hide. But being with Damián reawakens feelings she wants buried—and stirs up an onslaught of disturbing flashbacks that leave her shaken to the core with little hope of ever being a sexual being again.

Damián has his own dragons to fight, but has never forgotten the one perfect day he spent with Savannah in a cave at the beach. He will go to the ends of the earth to protect Savi and her daughter, but can never be the whole man she deserves after a firefight in Iraq. Besides, the trauma of war and resulting PTSD has led him to find his place as the Masters at Arms Club's favorite sadist. Savi needs someone gentle and loving, not the broken man he has become. But he sees that the lifestyle he's come to embrace also can help Savi regain control of her life and sexuality. How can he not help redirect her negative thoughts and actions if she needs him?

I truly love and adore this series. Not only is it steamy, smexy, and  oh, so deliciously HOT, Kallypso writes with such emotion-painting the scenes with a vividness that makes you feel like you're there among the pages.

This series is a must read for all the peeps out there who like their romance with some kink...  a different kind of smexy :)

from Kallypso's blog
Now it's your turn to show me your sexy cover!


  1. Thanks for participating in this week's L4C! :)

    Loving this cover--it's just so wickedly delicious. I can well imagine what his fingers are doing...or want to do. :D I have yet to read any of her books, but I do have them on my list to try--I'm not afraid to try something a little...different, as you put it. :) LOL.

    TBQ's Book Palace

    1. TBQ---I know, right? LOL You must read these...and if you read the comment below from Kallypso, the intro to the series is FREE....check it out.
      Thanks for commenting :)

  2. Oh, my, C.S.! I just came over to see what you posted on my FB wall. Glad you're loving that cover (my friend's covers get better ever time--and this time I got both a whip and chains!). I'm working hard on finishing the book for release on/after May 31.

    I hope your readers will take advantage of a free download of the introduction to the series. As you know, they can't be read as standalones. But you can get all three of mine for less than you'd pay for ONE of the current #1 erotica title at Amazon. ) The coupon code for Masters at Arms is SD57N at Once you start, it's pretty hard to not go on to the next ones, though, I am told.

    Thanks again, C.S. Can't wait to meet you in NOLA in August!


    1. Kallypso---seeing you here at my blog makes me smile hard.
      Sorry I am just getting back to you, but the hubby and I went to the lake yesterday on a whim. I spent the beautiful afternoon jet skiing :) We are also thinking of moving there, so we went to check out the sitch :)
      The added whips and chains are great! I would LOVE to have you on my blog to celebrate Nobody's Perfect release (Hint-hint, lol).
      Not only do your books ROCK my hoohah--they ARE priced very well.
      And we MUST MUST MUST get together when we are in NOLA for AAD....can't wait for it.
      Again, thanks for commenting. I adore it when authors stop by for a chat.

  3. Awesome pick this week. I still have not read her books. I guess I will have to bump her up on my over growing TBR pile. Love the cover!

    My LFC

    1. Wickedly Delish

      OH GIRL--this is a great, wicked series that you must read.
      Thanks for stopping by and leaving me some comment love :)


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