Monday, August 27, 2012


The author will be giving away a $10 Amazon gift card to one random commenter and to one random host at the conclusion of the tour.

Please be sure to leave a comment at the end of the post ~ and check out the other great blogs that are participating in this event.

When Emilie is dumped by her boyfriend, best friend Jack Voss offers a shoulder and a place to live--the other side of his duplex. He’s always there, fixing her problems, her car, her sink. Emilie doesn’t know what she’d do without him, or with the feelings she’s having for him. His shoulder doesn’t just offer comfort anymore; his touch is a turn-on. Their shared wall is the only thing keeping them from sharing a bedroom—and fanning the flames might risk breaking something that Jack can’t fix.

Book Excerpt:

A glance back down at the man who was driving her crazy nearly made her moan. He shifted, his ass moved and his thighs flexed as he crawled forward a few inches. The denim of his worn jeans hugged him as tightly as Em dreamed of doing and, before she had time to think about it, she took a step Forward, hands outstretched to snatch hold of the prize. She stopped herself just in time and tucked her hands behind her back to keep from doing something stupid.
“So, Jack?” Her voice was tight with desire and discomfort.

“Hmm?” He peeked at her over one shoulder, a smile in those midnight blue eyes, then quickly returned his attention to the pipe.

“Almost done?” She hoped so, because at this rate, she’d come just from thinking about him.

“Nearly there. Leak’s almost plugged.”

I’ve got a leak you can plug. Her panties soaked with more cream than any one woman should have when she envisioned him plunging into her, filling her pussy with his hard cock. Heat rushed up her neck, and her heart pounded so loudly, surely he could hear it. Dear God. She tried to picture herself in a cold shower to kill some of the heat but cursed again when he joined her there in her mind and slid soapy hands over her damp skin, across her breasts, and down her—

“There.” His voice jolted her out of the hot daydream, and she jumped an inch off the floor. He backed out from the cupboard and turned to smile at her. “All fixed.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Mysti Holiday is the pseudonym of a very busy SAHM who dreams of warm climes and hot bodies. Most people know she writes, but not what she writes about: sexy men and the wanton women who love them.

She's married to a wonderful man who happily sacrifices himself for research, and she spends most of her days dreaming of interesting and unusual situations in which to place her characters. But most of all, she's a sucker for a happy ending.

Publisher / Website / Blog    
Click here to check out the other blogs that are participating in this event. 

  Don't forget to leave a comment ~  


  1. Sounds like a great read and one good time.
    shel704 at aol dot com

  2. Michelle~
    Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy your week --

  3. Replies
    1. Mysti--no problem--I'm a book pimpin' HO :)
      Love to promote authors and their works!

  4. Always fun finding great books to read, this one sounds so good.

    skpetal at hotmail dot com

    1. Jean-
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting-I love it when I find a "jewel" in the rough. :)

  5. Emilie sounds like she will be better with Jake than that old boyfriend anyway! Lucky Emilie.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

    1. Mel :)
      I know, right? :)
      Love a spicy excerpt to whet the appetite, lol
      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Spicy indeed. A great read ahead I'd say.



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