Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Title: After Hours
Author: Cara McKenna
Release Date:  April 16, 2013

Reviewer purchased own copy of ebook.

 A dangerous infatuation with a rough and ready man…

Erin Coffey has been a nurse for years, but nothing’s prepared her for the physical and emotional demands of her new position. Needing to move closer to her dysfunctional family, she takes a dangerous job at Larkhaven Psychiatric Hospital, where she quickly learns that she needs protection—and she meets the strong, over-confident coworker who’s more than willing to provide it.

Kelly Robak is the type of guy that Erin has sworn she’d never get involved with. She’s seen firsthand, via her mess of a sister, what chaos guys like him can bring into a woman’s life. But she finds herself drawn to him anyway, even when he shows up at her door, not eager to take no for an answer.

What Erin finds even more shocking than Kelly’s indecent proposal is how much she enjoys submitting to his every command. But he can’t play the tough guy indefinitely. If they want to have more than just an affair, both will have to open up and reveal what they truly need.

Book Review 

As an avid reader of romance, I tend to have a favorite type of hero--the military man, the bad boy rocker, the Dom who oozes such charm and sex appeal your knees knock together and whimper. Just to name a few, lol.

But I love it when the author throws you a curve ball, so to speak. And the hero is something you didn't see coming. 

Kelly Robak is that type of hero. 

If fact, in After Hours, the reader is immersed in a unique setting that you typically don't see in the plethora of romantic fiction. At least I don't. 

Erin Coffee takes a job at Larkhaven--a psychiatric hospital--not really knowing what to expect. But the job pays well, offers housing that is close to her baby sister, Amber. Both women experienced a troubled childhood, with Erin taking the role as "mother", since their own mother didn't do such a hot job. And now, Erin cannot give up her Mama Bear tendencies. Amber is a single mother, raising a three year old son, attracted to a dead-beat dad whose priorities center around his next beer--a total loser. 

Erin refuses to become like her mother and her sister. She has seen first hand the havoc and devastation of what letting a man take over your life can do. She has built walls around her heart and has such a fierce independence, with a need to solve everyone's problems. 

Kelly Robak is one of the orderlies that work at Larkhaven. And at first glance, Erin knows that she should steer clear of him. He has Mr. Wrong written all over him, with his dark looks and tatts. But Erin's body cannot lie--she is totally attracted to Kelly. And she is determined to fight it every step of the way. 

Trouble is, Kelly is persistent, funny, and Erin starts to like him. 
And when Kelly voices their mutual attraction, Erin decides to dive in...with conditions. 

Kelly has his own conditions. He wants to dominate her, own her body, for two full days, and she must obey. 

The sex is mind-bending, explosive, and highly-combustible. But Erin sees a gentler side of Kelly. One that rarely peeks out, but she wants to know him. The real him. 

These two lovers share great sex--but what happens after the orgasms? That is where the meat of the story is and it is written with  just as much passion. I loved watching these two fiercely independent people struggle with theirs pasts and learn to give a little of themselves in the process of losing their hearts. 

Here are a few favorite moments of After Hours: 

"There's four things a real man has to be able to do for a woman."
"Exactly how many man-lists do you have?"
He let my wrist go and ticked the items off on his fingers."Fix her car. Grill her a steak. Kick the ass of any guy who makes her cry. And fuck her so hard she wakes up half-crippled."

I absolutely LURVED the way Cara describes Kelly in this next line. I put it in bold print so you wouldn't miss it, lol. 

His pale irises had grown as dark as his intentions, lids heavy. I felt my lips part in invitation, but the look he gave wasn't one that sought permission. 

He zipped his jeans. "A man needs meat, sleep, and pussy, to keep from going insane. Not always in that order." My jaw dropped. I yanked the covers up to my neck and glared at him. "You spoiled my view."I glared harder, and Kelly sighed. "Don't give me that look, like we ever said this was anything more than exactly what it was.""Don't you flatter yourself into believing that's why I'm annoyed. But you're just going to lump me in with a steak and a nap and expect me not to be insulted?" 
"Don't look at me like that," I warned him, the beer making me bold."Look at you how?""Like I'm wearing edible underwear, and there's a place card name in my panties with your name on it."

My mouth could deny my interest in Kelly all day long, but my pussy didn't lie. He felt like more than a single person. Two hands, a hard body, a mean voice. A one-man orgy. I'd leave here limping, just as he'd promise. 

Last one,swear...I seriously have like yellow highlighter all over my kindle.....

And I was hooked on Kelly, instantly. His smell was as right as his voice, as hot as his body. It hit me like a shot of liquor, and all I wanted was to get wasted.  
 Okay, I lied....LAST one...made me pee myself.

"Jeez, you could've been Kelly Mahoney?" Cue the fiddle music. 
"I know. Man could shit shamrocks with a name like that.

I think you can see why I so thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. If you like your hero with kinky tendencies, and a bit darker around the edges with a gooey center, you'll love After Hours. 


  1. I just drooled over my keyboard... I love kinky tendancies ;)

    1. Red Iza :)
      Love kink! **passes a Sham-WOW over to wipe off drool.
      Thanks for stopping by and reading my review.

  2. I really need to fiish this one; I requested it from NG, but the files does not want to format right on my NOOK. *sigh* Trying to piece together the sentences gave me a headache, so I put it aside. I can read it directly from my computer with no format errors, but sitting at my desk for that long.. *shudders* Anyway, great review! From what I did read before I put it on hold, this one does sound like a really, really good book!


    1. TBQ
      Hello sweetums and thanks for stopping by!
      Did you figure out your file thingy with your NOOK? I know what you mean about reading something when the formatting is way off. I cannot download pdf files on my makes the print tooooooo damn tiny for my old eyes. It has to be in mobi format, as I am a dumb ass and don't know how to convert it.
      Hope you get it fixed and finish reading--it's awesomesauce :)


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