Sunday, December 8, 2013


Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allowsbloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers.

This meme is hosted by TBQ @ TBQ's Book Palace.

Once you are ready to join the fun, 

please fill out Mister Linky over at TBQ's blog with 

your name/blog name and the direct 

link to your Lusting for Covers for this 


Living for years amidst a whirlwind of fear and danger, Julia Farris finally snaps free from the bonds that kept her in Arizona. But when she arrives in her hometown of Edinboro, Pennsylvania, she realizes she’s jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. With the death of his parents, Mark Webb went to part time at the local police department to run his parents’ bed and breakfast, a job he’s begun to think very lonely until his old high school flame shows up. As Julia tries to seize control of her life, she finds herself intrigued with the possibilities presented by Mark’s presence. But getting closer to Mark might spell disaster. What’s a girl to do when one ex might be dead and the other wears a badge?

I spotted this cover while perusing Pinterest this morning. Love the snow...the black and white title, and...Ah, hell. 

Who am I kidding.

It was the sexy pose. The scruffy-scruff face. Closely shaven head. And muscled biceps.

And then the blurb? Edinboro, PA---close to where my hubby grew up. A nice PA boy can be a very good thing.

Now it's your turn to show me what cover you're lusting over--leave me a comment, I'd love to hear from you! 


  1. Well said with your description on the hero. Yep got my attention. I love the old high school flame and added it on my "Wickeds Most Wanted" GR list. Babe you are not helping with my TBR list. I am trying to play catch up with my other series I have fallen behind in.

    My L4C

    1. WD ~ Glad I could grab your attention :)

      I have to check out your Wicked's Most Wanted GR this on your blog or over at Goodreads? Curious to see what is on that bad boy, lol.

      Hey, you are always adding to my TBR, so I thought I'd just return the favor.

      Happy Holidays!

    2. It is on Goodreads. Trying to keep up with books I really want to read. Not much on there as I am still in the process of adding my old additions to my shelves.

    3. Cool...will have to go check it out :)

  2. *dies* Oh, that cover is soo yummy! The couple's pose -- the scruff! Yes, I agree with WD, you covered the "why" perfectly! Off to add it to GR. . .


    1. TBW~ :) You are a sucker, like me, for a smexy cover. Hope the book is as delsih :)


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