Sunday, January 1, 2012

Shameless Giveaway Hop

WOW--and OH MY!  I love this button-I think it's one of my faves.

Oh, and Happy New Year!!

I am blog hopping today, checking out other awesome sites and found this little shameless button.
Red Hot Books is hosting a Shameless Giveaway Hop and Idecided to join in all the delicious fun. Here is the blub from the Red Hot blog site:

The Shameless Giveaway Hop is open to anyone who wants to give away a book or a book related prize. It doesn't have to be dirty. It can be anything from YA to a book of randy limericks. Whatever floats your boat. There aren't alot of rules. We just ask that you have your post up by 12:00am on Friday, January 20, 2012. Keep it up through 11:59pm Friday, January 27, 2012. And include the button & the link to the full list of participating hops. That's it. --Oh. And if you want to include a man candy photo in your post somewhere, nobody will complain. (We might even be grateful.)

Bloggers and authors are all welcome to participate.

This Giveaway is hosted by:

Jen (Red Hot Books), Brie (Romance Around the Corner) & Michelle (Michelle's Book Blog)

So tune in here on Friday, January 20, 2012 to see what little goodie I'll be giving away. And I promise you it will be a Naughty Good One.
This giveaway is for US participants only.

And here is a little pic that I like to call OMFG, Can you pull them down a little lower, please?!

CS Maxwell



  1. lol wish i could 2/lower that towel for him

    1. :) Don't we all have fantasies about that!
      Thanks for the comment.

  2. Roro,
    Sigh....I know what you mean, girl.

  3. Well it does look like someone is holding his other arm up, so one of us needs to help him bring it lower! *laughs*

    1. **raises hand to volunteer!
      Thanks for stopping by and leaving some comment love.

  4. Thanks for participating in the hop. I love to meet new authors and make new friends. And I'm applying for the job of pulling those dang pants lower position. :)

    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

  5. Julianne,
    No problem.
    Love to do blog hops and pimp out some good reads.
    I'm giving away an autographed copy of Nina Bruhns book, Red Heat.

  6. show it all baby
    desi the

    1. Desi, Oh, how I like the way you think :)
      The dog tags he can keep on...


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