Tuesday, March 19, 2013

SEXY SNIPPETS ~ A Shot of Sultry by Macy Beckett

Tuesdays have never been so sexy!
Sexy Snippets is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Between the Wines for the 18+ crowd. To join in just grab the button, post a sexy paragraph or two from your current read and share the author & title so other participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like. Then add your post to the linky over at RBtW's blog post so everyone can follow along. Have a sexy good time!

"Trust me," he said, and she opened her eyes to his heavy-lidded gaze, so filled with concern that she couldn't doubt his intentions. His face shone with beauty and lust, wheat-colored strands falling over his forehead as he fought for oxygen, clearly every bit as aroused as she was. "Let me make you forget how to breathe."
Licking her lips, she took a cleansing breath, trying to steady her pounding heart. When she found her voice again, she whispered, "Kiss me."

Trey was so delicious in this book--LURVED him! And he made me forget how to breath as I was reading.

Now, it's your turn to show me your sexy!


  1. Replies
    1. WD~
      Thanks, sweetie! Glad you enjoyed it.
      Gotta head over to your blog to see what sexiness you shared :)

  2. That was just so sexxy! nice :) thanks so much for sharing


    1. Sharonda~ No problem--I love sharing!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. *fans self*
    I have heard great things about this series!
    Thanks for joining in SS! :D

    1. Crystal ~
      I am hooked on this series.Cannot wait for the next book!
      Thanks for stopping by!


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